Monday, 13 May 2013

38. Because I'm doing this for the thrill of it, killin' it

Holy shit. I really need to word vomit my feelings right now. I feel that if I don't my body will be engorged with too many emotions and I will more than likely just fuggin explode in some unexpected paroxysm of rage. I suppose the core message I'd like to get out of my system right now is that (some) PEOPLE ARE CUNTS. Holy fucking shit. I honestly could not be more succinct and concise than that. Every time I meet someone new I try to be as open-minded as I can. There is no reason to pass judgement on someone you barely know or have known for only a short while BUT (in very exceptional cases) sometimes it really does not take that long to conclude that someone is just a fucking SHIT person in general. I fucking try so hard to look past things or in my mind justify why someone might say or do things so rude and hurtful but when it's so repetitive it really does eat at your mind. Holy shit, I am just so disappointed right now.


Documenting my Newcastle life [Wed night shenanigans mostly... little else happens tbfh]

Getting ready for TOGA TOGA on Vale
Pres - King's Cup
Pres - Blender full of alcohol
Pres - Overall just a VERY rowdy bunch
Waiting in line for the Toga Party @ Bar on the Hill
More waiting in line... Possibly the biggest buzz kill 
Me and mah homiez XOXO
Okay so we waited in that giant ass line for 45+mins eventually decided to fuck that shit cos look, ain't nobody got time to wait in a 1km line for a damn toga party. 
Walked to Ted's to witness just how fucking rowdy them on-campus kids are. Chilled at the pool room for a while where 320381038 dudes were having a beer chugging competition. Then had a quick tour of one of the rooms and found this gem - Wade's fish in Bacardi bottle. Interesting. 
Ran to the uni train station. It was the longest sprint I have ever ran in my life and overall just a terrible TERRIBLE experience. Holy fucking shit. Never want to relive. SOME RANDOM AMERICAN GUY FELL ASLEEP ON ME. WHY...