Friday, 20 April 2012

10. I just want it to be perfect.

It is Friday night. Decided I'd refuse myself access to FB for a few weeks, making me feel quite bored as fuck y'allllllll. This torrential rain makes me want to sleep. Uni makes me want to die. Nah, I am merely kidding fools. Bet you all got excited anticipating my death. 

What is one to do on a wet and lonely night like this? Hmm.. Here are my options:
1. Study
2. Not study
I have opted for the latter. 

Anyways, ceebs exhausting the little energy I have left thinking about what to write. Hope the weather clears up. Hope this giant mound of uni work decides to do itself. Hope everyone's been good and stays happy! X

P.S. I have no idea why but my face really hurts. It feels like somebody just punched me in the eye socket. Ugh. 

Laters homies!
P.P.S. Been listening to some golden oldies this past week..rekindling my love affair with M&tD. Anywho, her new stuff is pretty gold too. Do enjoy. x

Sunday, 8 April 2012

09. We’ve got obsessions I want to erase every nasty thought that bugs me every day of every week.

It's been a while hasn't it? In the last three months quite a lot has changed. I have let everything that was keeping me stagnant (in a manner of words lol) go. That's probably the most important thing 'cause now I'm almost always super happy and grateful for everything. ☺

Since today is Easter Sunday, I thought somehow, with the grace of God, I would be able to resurrect my blawwwwg. But yeah, clearly the blogging mojo is long dead.

Happy Easter xx

P.S. THIS IS GIRL IS ONE OF MY BFFLS. I can't believe my last memory of her was her running off into the distance (quite literally). I will f*cking miss her so much. I loves ya babygurrrl!!!!!! ♥♥♥